10 tahun dulu, time2 camni aku masih menahan debar amik SPM. masa tu rasa mcm antara hidup dan mati. xboleh tidak, harus lulus dgn warna2 terbang. baru boleh masuk universiti. baru boleh keje besar. baru boleh ada masa depan. kalau tak nanti jadi kutu berahak kat alor setar
dan masa tu debarnye rasa mcm nk pecah jantung. resah dan gelisah takut tak lulus. masa ni semua org saling wish good luck antara satu sama lain, sbb kau pun nk org wish good luck kat kau juge. u think u really need luck at that time. mana tau x ong nnt, xleh lulus lak. choi!
takyah tanya la camne result SPM aku. cukupla kalau aku kata, aku ada kehidupan yg agak baik sekarang. tapi aku xsangka lepas 10 tahun, sebulan yg lepas bos aku kata
"payid, im sending u to a 2 days course next month. there will be an exam at the end of it, so be prepared. i want u to pass this."
going to a course is not really a big deal, eventhough sepanjang kerjaya aku kat sini, this is the first time they are sending me to a professional course. tapi aku mula xsedap ati bila TL aku kata "sebelum ni kita hantar a few seniors. semua tak pass. so i harap u pass la"
damn laaa..... susah sgt ke course ni? dan selama sebulan, aku mula resah dan gelisah. makin lama makin teruk. sehari sebelum pegi course, TL aku wish good luck and said "kau kena pass ni. this is my KPI". senior2 aku kata "kitorg tau, kau mesti pass punye. jgn risau la." mak dan adik aku kata "buat exam elok2. we know this exam is important to u, so do ur best." and she said "i know u can do it. i hv a strong feeling that u will pass this exam." aaarrgggghhhh.... more pressure....!!!
aku berada dlm keadaan yg sgt tertekan selama 2 hari tu. perasaannya sama mcm masa amik SPM last 10 years. ini soal hidup dan mati. kalau tak pass, rasa mcm nak mati. camne nk balik ofis dan berhadapan ngn semua org kalau xlulus? everybody's counting on me.
dan ketika itu, i nvr know that good luck wishes could be so comforting. when my TLs,my colleague, and my family texted me to wish good luck the night before the exam,it really touched my heart. even if i succeed in this exam, it has actually nothing to do with them (except for my TL la kan). but they were really counting on me, and sumhow my success in this exam really matters to them
alhamdulillah. the exam went well. separuh dari debaran dah hilang, tinggal lagi separuh nk tggu tau result dlm sebulan lagi
tapi bila aku masuk ofis semula the following day, i saw this message ws circulated among my teammates by my TL
"Doakan payid (bukan nama sebenar) and liza (mungkin nama sebenar) for their exam later today..... doa skarang! kasik depa tenang hati and dapat jawab and paz with flying colours..ini adalah satu arahan...buleh!! hehehe...."
demi Allah, aku sgt bersyukur dikurniakan colleagues yg sgt thoughtful. terima kasih utk doa korg semua
and to u. thank u for just being there for me during my tough times.
sgt comel email from my fav TL hehe...aku tau ko berbakat utk pass yid :D
emm.. ckp pasal exam.. btl juga.. dulu sy mcm tu juga.. exam dan interview adalah dua benda alah yg buat hati ni x keruan.. lebih gelisah daripada org bcinta.. hehe.. lovin it payid.. apapun syukran jazilan utk tatapan bulan Dec yg tbaru ni.. kira hadiah tuk birthday sy esok.. wooohaaa.. salam maal hijrah utk awk payid..
Hell yeah.
I think chun li quite comforting u isn't it? Aha. Nanti nk tgu result kita tengok gelabah kamu cemana ye.sila jgn menjelma menjadi super saiya.
gorgish, payid takkan menjelma jadi super saiya, sebab dia tak hafal move ka meha meha....
salam maal hijrah. and happy belated birthday. sory i missed it. hope it ws a blast
brace urself for the next level of gelabah lepas ni
ye la, jiwa aku xkena nk layan dragonball ni. kau je yg layan
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